

If you are not satisfied with the order or change your mind or decide not to keep the products for any reason, you must inform us about your decision to cancel the order before the product(s) are shipped. You can cancel the order from your customer dashboard or simply email us at orders@prelegant.com If you have paid for the product, you will receive a full refund, including the delivery fee (applicable for purchases within Bangladesh).

If 'Cash on Delivery' is selected as payment method and you have not paid for the product, no refund will be given.

A full refund will be given if your paid order is canceled or if the customer requests to cancel.

A refund will be given if the customer cancels the order before the paid order is transferred from Prelegant to the delivery service partner for delivery.

However, if you wish to cancel the paid order after transferring the product to the delivery partner, please cancel the order and do not receive the product if it reaches you. You will get a full refund within 5-7 working days.

Our support team will ask you how you would like to receive the refund. If you want, you can take it through Bank, Bkash, Nagad,  Rocket or other preferable media.

It usually takes 5-7 days to process the refund. If you do not receive a refund within this time, please contact us.

Email - Hello@prelegant.com or

Phone/WhatsApp +8801731082244

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